Monday, March 15, 2010

First Official Day of Work

Tuesday 15/03/2010

So, I know I have written a lot on this blog, but I have actually written more in my journal. Unfortunately that means...I am out of journal space. I only have about 20 pages left. So sad. I am going to have to try to find another journal to write in. So I have been here about what, two months? Well, maybe my writing will slow down a bit.

Well, yesterday was my first official work day. I got up at 6:47 am (a very ugly hour) and got ready so that I could leave before 7:30. I walked slower than I should have, so I had to hustle the last part of my hour walk. I made it on time, fortunately. So then the preschool director gave me a rundown of what my duties were. I helped set up however I could, then I interacted with the children. Basically doing what I did on Friday, only more. I was outside most of the time, and since I was in braids, I think I got a sunburn, on my part, all the way down my head. Not good.

My hair did not look the best, and the preschool director wanted a picture of me, so I asked if we could do it a different day. She agreed. I guess she thought it looked pretty bad too. I got a 1/2 hour lunch break, and when I went back, I washed the dishes. A lady was trying to say something to me, but I couldn't understand her. There was a lot of background noise and she kept turning her back to me when she asked me something. She got really frustrated and spoke slowly to me. I think I am getting on her nerves. Not a good start. All the teachers have been really friendly with me. It has been nice. In fact, one of the ladies said she remembers going to a Church when she was little and her father was the speaker. She said the Church said "Church of the Nazarene" and asked if that was my background. Actually, it was the same exact Church I went to several weeks ago that had 13 people in it. I was excited to have some kind of way to relate to her initially. Well, then she mentioned that she wanted to learn puppeteering. I can see we will be getting along fine.

During clean up time at the end of the day, I was given several duties (which I liked, because then I knew what I was supposed to do). The end was to read a story to the kids, but I wasn't sure how to round the kids up. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do exactly. I just chose a story quickly, but realized it would not work for them developmentally. The story was way to complex, and they were not into it. It was really loud and I tried to raise my voice so they could hear me. I eventually skipped pages to finish the book and then got my favorite Dr. Seuss book, Green Eggs and Ham. They did a lot better, but I had to go get the preschool owner's kids and take them on the bus. The youngest was upset about something, and didn't want to go. I pried her away from her mom and we rushed out the door, crossed the street, and made it to the bus stop before the bus came. I was exhausted though.

We got on the bus, but had to change buses and waited a while for that bus. I could not see exactly where to get off the bus, but the preschool owner said her son would be at the bus stop. Well...the son was there, but we did not see him until the bus started to leave. So we got off at the next bus stuff (fortunately not too far away) and met him. We walked the rest of the way to their house and I stayed there a little over 2 hours, when the dad came home.

I then walked home. Fortunately, they do not live that far away from me, or I would have had to take the bus again. I got home and crashed. I was tired from the long day. It was a really good day though. It feels good to be working again. I won't work until Thursday, but at least I have that. Hopefully I will get used to my way around as well as all their names. A lot of their names are easy, but then trying to figure out what name belongs to what person will be tricky. There are several names that will probably take me a long time to figure out and pronounce. My mouth does not move in those directions! I asked a girl today about a colour and she didn't say green but some really different word. I asked her if it was Maori and she said yes. So I will be getting the Maori language in. This will definitely be a learning experience for me.

Well, I also got a letter from my mom and her small group from Church for my birthday. Apparently it was mailed a LONG time ago, but it took that long to get here. Kind of interesting, since the box she sent took half the time the letter took. It made me really happy though. Thanks guys! Now I can add the card to my wall.

Also, I have been reading Outliers and love it so far. Basically the author has a point to prove and uses several scenarios to prove the point in each chapter. Well, this book is about the people who are outliers, successful people and their circumstances. I have to say, it has made me feel better about myself. The reason I am not successful and rich is not my fault. It is because I am born at the wrong time and do not have extraordinary circumstances to help me become rich and successful.

So everyone my age, it isn't our fault. We were not in the right place at the right time and do not have extraordinary happenings that make us rich and successful. And Kevin, unfortunately we will never be that rich and successful, so forget about getting 1/2 of my earnings. We passed that mark. Mom was the only one who would have had that chance, but she missed it. She was born in the right year and was in the right field, but she was in the wrong location...or at least she went to the wrong University to help her become rich and successful. Sorry to disappoint you.

I am sure I just caused a lot of confusion, but there is a trail of thought there.


  1. Isn't Gladwell great!? -SPB

  2. I's not my fault. It's always someone else's. You make me laugh. I can just picture the director looking at you and agreeing you should take your picture later. It's not your fault either. I love you, mom
