Friday, December 3, 2010


Sorry for not posting in such a long time. Working all the time and having so much to post is getting to me. Plus, the Internet has been ridiculously slow, so it has been a bit difficult to get things down here. Anyway, here are some pictures. They are in reverse chronological order. I had trouble with that and just got frustrated, so sorry about that.

These two pictures are of Melbourne city.
This is the sun setting. You can kind of see Kata Tjuta in the background.
Waterfalls on Ayres Rock.
The little bit of sun that we got on Ayres Rock.
It did rain here and there were many many puddles we had to go around.

I got to touch the rock!
Pictographs on the rock.
Our first glimpse of the rock.
Kata Tjuta.
Here is the red sand you would expect in the outback. Since there has been an incredible amount of rain, so there is more vegetation than normal.

False Rock.
Wild Emu.
This is on the top of the hill in Alice Springs.
St. Kilda, where we were staying in Melbourne. They were wind surfing or something.
Somewhere in Adelaide...I think...
Glenelg, a place close to the beach, so of course it was cloudy and cold.
The shower in Cairns. See the mold. It is amazing, but the picture makes it look better than it actually is.

Stinger Season! Like our suits?
The Great Barrier Reef. You can kind of see it.
Our hostel after they cleaned up...Really. This was after a day out in Cairns...I got toasted.

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