Sunday, December 5, 2010

Happy Halloween, Hobart

Sunday 31 October 2010

Happy Halloween! The music was worse tonight. I never looked at the clock, but Alison said it was going until 4 am. When we got up, we went to the laundry room. We realised we could only use $1 coins and Alison only had $2. So I went back down and back up. Then we packed. There were rows of glasses on the window sill in the lounge and toilet paper mushed and running down the stairs. It was disgusting. It was raining a lot still.

We went to the airport and had a 50 minute flight to Hobart, Tasmania. The person in front of me was wiggin out and banging against the seat, so it would hit my knees violently. It kind of made me nervous. We landed, and the crew said Tasmania is very strict about fruits and veggies. We got off and they told us to put our bags to the left of us. They had a dog sniff our bags. The dog passed Alison and came straight to me and pinned his nose to my bag. Wonderful. The guy asked if I had any produce. I said I didn't think so. He asked if I did in the past couple days, which I did. He looked through my bag briefly and let me through. I don't know how these things keep happening. Alison and I have made a saying. It all started with how many journals I have gone through. Alison told me I could just limit myself. I have already filled up two journals and am getting close to filling up my third. I told her, "Well, if things would just stop happening, my journal would be thinner." So every time something happens, we use this quote.

We couldn't check in our hostel until 4:30 and it was 2. So we got lunch. Fish and Chips. We got a whole lot of chips. We think they made a mistake. We really wanted lemons, so Alison asked if we could have some, thinking they would give us 3 slices. No, they gave us at least 4 whole lemons that were sliced. We used every bit of the juice. We booked a Port Arthur and Mt. Wellington Tour, and used pretty much the last part of our Aussie money. Good thing we won't be here much longer. We checked in, but the lady couldn't find the key. She called someone and that person couldn't remember where it was. Then he remembered and called her back. Our room is more like a closet than a room. There is no room and has a skinny hall that runs into the beds. You have to crawl around to find 2 chairs and a step up. Very strange design and obviously not meant to be a room. We left and went to a Church that ended up being a baptism and lots of prophesying. The pastor spoke in tongues and looked like he was going to push a lady back, but we left. We walked around town a bit. Then we ate our dinner. An apple, 1/2 an avocado, and 12 crackers. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Our wet things in the Melbourne hostel.
Halloween Dinner.

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