Saturday, December 4, 2010

Melbourne City

Wednesday 27 October 2010

My phone went off early in the morning from vodofone telling me something about automatic pricing overseas. It really irritated me, because I thought it was an alarm and it scared me. Alison's phone went off to tell her the same thing a bit later. We were not happy. We wanted to sleep.

We set off and decided to walk into town. It only took 45 minutes, so not too bad. We went to the Shrine of Remembrance. We walked around to see the views. Then we went up the steps to the balcony to get really good sights of the city. It was built for World War one, but is now more for any soldier. When we went down the stairs, the guy said the ceremony was about to start. Every day at a certain time, a light passes over a stone block that says, "Greater love Hath No Man." We stood and watched it. It was made so that on 11 November, the light would be over the word Love at a precisely 11 am. After the light passed, the lady explained some things. She said, "We know, but the young people wouldn't know the inscription. It comes from John 15:13... We went to Sunday School and learned it, but the young people would not know where it comes from..." Alison and I were offended and left soon after. Yes, we have heard the verse and read it several times. I should have said something, but didn't. I wish I had my pocket Bible in my backpac, so I could bust it out and tell her she was righ;t it was John 15:13.

Anyway, we left and went to National Gallery and looked around. We went to Federation Square and booked a Great Ocean Road Tour. We went to Parliament and got a free tram and rode it all the way around. It was the longest hour of my life. I was really happy to get off. After the tram, we walked to Queen Victoria Market. As we were walking along, it would get hot then cold every five minutes. We took our jerseys on and off all day. We probably got more exercise taking our jerseys on and off than we did walking.

We then went back to the hostel and went to bed. THEN at around one in the morning, there were two people right outside our door, doing and saying very inappropriate things to each other. It was sickening and I was a bit traumatised. I guess that is what I get for a cheap place to sleep.

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