Friday, September 10, 2010

Family Time

Thursday 26 August 2010

Alison and I went in the city today as we were both off of work. We met a co-worker of Alison's and had breakfast. Then we went to the Art Gallery. Then Anne took us to the airport to pick up Alison's sister! She is staying for five days, but we won't get to see them much, because Alison is also house sitting for a lady. Also, one of Anne and Alister's sons come here with his wife and two friends. There is a wedding and the guys are in the wedding party. So I met them and talked until after 11:00 pm. Then I had to go to bed. I have an early start for work.

Friday 27 August 2010

After work, I went into the city to try to get a couple things settled. One being my plane ticket back home. It was frustrating to work through things, but I think I have it figured out. Now I have to actually purchase another ticket to go home and cancel the ticket I have. Then I took a bus to my boss's house to baby sit her kids. I was only going to be there for an hour, but it took longer than expected, so it ended up being three hours (which was fine with me). Then I went back home and spent time with the big group.

Sunday 29 August 2010

Yesterday wasn't exciting, so on to today. I met Alison and her sister before Church and swapped stories. They had been looking around Christchurch, Akaroa, and will be going to Kaikoura tomorrow. Then we went to Church. After Church, we went to Alison's cafe to kill some time. A little later, we went to the brass band concert. The people who are in brass band at Church were playing with CUBE (Canterbury University Brass Ensemble) for a fund raiser type thing. It was really fun. We thoroughly enjoyed it, especially since Alister plays a mean second baritone (I always give him a hard time about that).

Monday 30 August 2010

I am considered "one of the team" at work now, so I actually attend all the meetings and everything else that the preschool does. I could not stay for the whole meeting today, because I had to catch a bus to the Church. I was volunteering at the Mainly Music Night at Church. I was on the platform with several others to manage the kids. I didn't know any of the songs except two, but I was able to catch on quickly. Afterwards, we all went into the foyer to eat pizza and chips. People took many pieces of pizza, so I only had chips for tea. A couple from Church them dropped me off at home (Anne and Alister had a meeting), so I ate cereal.

Tuesday 31 August 2010

It has been a crazy couple of weeks, and it is starting to catch up with me. Although, I have to say, I feel incredibly...joyful. I feel a sense of purpose and belonging. Things are going really well with work. In just a couple weeks, I will be working full time (end of September). Also, in November, I will be considered a registered teacher, and will get a pay increase. My boss really showed me that she is willing to make sacrifices to help me so that I will stay with the preschool. I have a wonderful family here who I consider to be MY family. I love going to Church and being involved in the activities. I just feel happy to be here, to feel almost needed, and accepted and wanted. Sorry for all that, but that is how I am feeling now.

Alison and her sister came home and we swapped stories again. Alison's sister is leaving tomorrow. So we had a nice dinner and played skip-o the rest of the night. It was great. Tomorrow will be a bit different. I am leaving for a trip to Nelson.

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