Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Changing Plans


So I know that I have been writing a whole lot and then I haven't written anything since then, but I did warn you that this was likely to happen. A lot has happened since then, so I don't know how to write about everything. I guess I should just start with what happened on Tuesday 17 August 2010.

I worked normal hours and it was a good day. Although it was also an interesting day. The preschool owner, Juliet, has been hinting that she wants me to work here longer, but today, she actually officially offered me a job here. It was difficult talking to her. She said that there was an opening for me, and that as of November, I would be a registered teacher (not a relieving teacher) and that I would be paid as a registered teacher.

I told her I already purchased my ticket, so she said I could think on it. They would love to have me, and even if it was only for a few weeks (meaning right before Christmas) it would be great. So now I have more options, and I didn't even want more options. I had a plan, and now the plan got trickier. I was content with going home and taking up a sub job until I could find something else. Plus I would be back for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Now I am having second thoughts. I know I have to leave the country in January and I definitely want to go home at Christmas, but in the meantime? I don't know.

This is such a contrast from where I started. I was really glad to be going home. This has been such a difficult trip with so many problems and frustrations. Now I am just starting to get the hang of things and really liking my job...Now it is hard to think that I am leaving. But, it is also hard to think of not coming back to my friends and family. I know it is only going to be a 6 week difference, but it is still a hard decision to make.

So I did a little research to see what was available first. Then I talked to a few people (including Anne and Alister to see if they would be okay with me staying here). They said they were fine with that. Then I talked to my mom. She said it would probably be better for me (even though she hated to admit that as it means me staying here longer).

So I started looking for flights. Of course they were way more expensive. I was having a hard time making a decision. I kept looking for cheaper flights and trying to figure out how to transfer the flight I already had. The flight I had would not work for the time or the days that I wanted. I kept going through this agency to figure out what to do, and they couldn't help me all that much. Not for what I wanted anyway. It cost me an arm and a leg, it felt like, but it will help me in the long run. So I have my ticket (again) for 23 December. I will actually be arriving before I leave (one of those strange international dateline thing). So I will be here later than planned, but I will be working full time and getting more experience. Let's see if this helps me get a job when I get back to the States!

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