Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Weekend

Monday, 5 April 2010

So, the weekend has been nice. It has been nice to have a big house all to ourselves...and the cat. The cat is kind of interesting. To be honest, Alison and I are not pet people. Don't get us wrong, we love animals, but we are just not thrilled about having a cat following us around, rubbing his head on us, trying to jump on us, climb up on us, meowing loudly, and clawing at the door when we close ourselves in. We have actually been trying to get away from the cat. When we eat, we don't want him getting into our food, so we have closed him out of a room. We actually had to lure him into another section of the house (with the kitty litter, food, and water close by him), and close the door. Little did we realize that the door had no latch, so he got out anyway. Then we tried it again, and leaned a chair against the door. You may think this is cruel (you cat lovers), but we are just not fond of the attention the cat is giving us. He even jumped up on a piece of furniture, stretched his legs on the ledge of the door where a glass window was, and looked at us. It was kind of creepy.

Also, there have been people coming to the house. The people who live at the house are having work done on their house. So I have had to answer the door and answer questions, that is frankly making me uncomfortable, especially since I did not know I would have to deal with this.

We have been cooking, and Saturday, we made tortellini. Well, the pan was not coated and the handle was piping hot. Of course I did not realize this and was about to lift the pan off the burner. Of course my fingers were instantly scorched and I got a glass of ice water and soaked my finger in it the rest of the night.

Easter Sunday, we had planned to wear some light clothes (as it was sweltering on Saturday). Well, as soon as we stepped out the door, we felt light sprinkles. It was incredibly dark, so we couldn't see anything. We walked in the dark to the Church for sunrise service. Well, when we went down a street, the street lights instantly started turning off, so it was even darker. It was very very cold, and by the time we got to Victoria Park, we were frozen. We looked around and did not see any people. We were about 20 minutes early, so we decided to sit down and wait. We waited and waited and nothing happened. It got brighter, but no one showed up. We checked the time and the place. Then we went to the Church and it was closed and dark. So we finally went to breakfast and sat for an hour. By 8:00, we went back to the park and looked around and still no one was anywhere. So we went to a cafe and sat there until 10:30 when the regular service started. We thought maybe they cancelled, but didn't tell us. We found out that they did indeed have the service, so we think they must have been at a different park. We have no idea where though. So we got up early for nothing.

The 10:30 service was fun. The NewCastle University Orchestra, from Australia, was playing. We had a very short service, then the orchestra played for 1/2 hour. I loved it. Then we went to eat. There is a place we call The Gathering Place, that has food stands on the weekend. We had a particular place we wanted to eat at. Of course, with our luck, it was not there today. So we got food elsewhere. Then we got a crepe for a treat. We walked home early, because it was so cold to be out. We decided to take a different way home, and of course it ended up being longer to get home than it should have been. We got home and spent the rest of the day there. We even got to take a nap.

Today, I got up and planned on paying our rent. Well, the bank is closed. I was also going to meet Alison at the library after she gets off of work. The library is closed. It was open normal hours on Easter, so I am confused as to why it is closed on Monday! So little is being done as I had planned and that frustrates me. Well, the day is still young. Happy Easter everyone. I hope you had a wonderful day!

He is Risen!

1 comment:

  1. He is risen indeed! Since it is so cold now, I wonder how cold it gets during the winter? Sorry you missed sunrise service after getting up so early. Sounds like the cat is lonely. Lucky you dealing with the working-on-the-house-people. Love you. Mom
