Thursday, April 15, 2010

Back to the Flat

Friday 16 April 2010

Well, now we are getting back into the routine for being in our room. Now that I have a more stable work schedule (for the next several weeks) it is easier to be in a schedule. I have been getting up later than I should, for work, and have to run all the way to the shuttle stop. It has been on and off cold and hot lately. Fortunately in the morning, it has been cooler so running is not so bad. Then I walk to work after the last shuttle stop and read all along the way. I have finished the book Into the Wild and Blink. Now I am reading 100 Years of Solitude. I am giving this author another chance since I did not really like one of his books I read in high school.

At the preschool, there have been theme days (although I did not know what they were until I got there). Monday was crazy pattern day. I walk in and my eyes felt like they were on fire with all the crazy colours. It was an overload on my eyes and they started watering instantly. Tuesday was superhero day. That was interesting seeing all the costumes and everything. Wednesday was bike day...meaning many many injuries and hurt feelings as other kids would steal bikes and use them. Crashes were inevitable and consistent. Basically, the whole day revolved around crying children. One of the ladies drew a line around the playground for the children to go on. They were doing well following it with some of her and my redirection. Then another lady came and decided to fill the water and told me to tell them to go the other way. I tried to redirect them, but this irritated her. She told me, "Don't let them come over here." I said that the arrows were in a certain direction and if you told them to go the other way, it would just confuse them and cause more accidents. She said they weren't really paying attention to the arrows anyway. I wholeheartedly disagreed, but I didn't say anything. I honestly don't think it mattered if they went in her direction, because it wouldn't stop the flow of water. This kind of irritated me. Thursday was Teddy Bear day. That day made me sad, because I actually had a teddy bear; and I wanted to bring him. Maybe it was better though. I don't want him to get dirty.

Someone told me the other day that children at the preschool seem to be developing an American accent. She said she wasn't sure if it was the cartoons (since they are all American) or if they are listening to me a lot. I thought that was kind of cool. She tried to explain my accent, because I can't think of myself as having an accent; so I don't know what it sounds like to other people.

I have discovered that schools go by ages here. What I mean is that when a child turns five years old, they can go immediately into New Entrant (Year 0: meaning Kindergarten for us). Even if they turn 5 in the middle of the year, they can go as a New Entrant as soon as they turn 5. I just thought that was interesting.

So Alison and I had to get food the other day, since our refrigerator was completely empty (a chore that we hate the most). So we met on Colombo Street and walked to the store. We bought heaps of food and checked out, waddled to our room, and put everything away. We got a surprise though. My amazingly wonderful mom sent us a box with a lot of my favorite foods! She really knows me well. Plus, she sent me a most needed item. A journal that Alicia gave me, but I couldn't take because it would not fit in my obese bags. We were so excited to see all the wonderful things. Thanks!!!

One of the ladies at work asked how long I have been here. When I told her, she said that wasn't very long. I guess she thought I had been here longer. She asked if I missed some of the tastes in America. I said we did our own cooking mostly, so it wasn't too bad, but I desperately missed Mexican food. I told her how expensive the tortillas are here. She was surprised that I thought they were expensive.

Also, we have a new flatmate. He is a Kiwi, but does not look like a Kiwi. He looks Asian. I have not officially met him yet. Also, our Korean flatmate has left for Australia, so there is another empty room. We got our cleaner back, and she did a wonderful job, so we are quite pleased. We are hoping it will inspire people to clean after themselves. We are not to hopeful for that.

Well, today is Friday, and it is my day off. So I will be spending it relaxing and walking around (can we say it is a Garden day?) Haven't completely planned out this day, but I look forward to it!

1 comment:

  1. You are welcome for the Easter treat. Glad it finally arrived. Interesting how children don't all start school at the same time. I wonder how they catch up on what has already happened during the year before they turned 5?
    Love, mom
