Friday, November 19, 2010

Great Barrier Reef Adventures

Wednesday 20 October 2010

We got up and went straight to the boat terminal. We were early, but we didn't care. Anything to get out of that room! No one was at our company sight. This place had so many companies. Anyway, after 30 minutes, someone arrived. We checked in and started to the dock. As we headed out, we saw a man leaning over a rubbish bin and hacking up something. It sounded horrible, and we walked by very quickly. We boarded the boat, and the guide told us it would take about 1.5 hours to get to the reef. We would be there about 2 hours, then we would go to another reef and spend about 1.5-2 hours there. There would be a submarine ride depending on weather conditions. Then we would have 1.5 hours to return.

They told us that is was the very beginning of stinger season. That was all we needed to hear. We got the stinger suits right away. The ride was a little choppy, so people were popping in pills left and right. Some people did not make it though. One guy really ran to the bathroom and stayed there a while. When he came out, the boat hit a bump and he stumbled and had his hands outstretched on either side of him. I laughed a lot. It looked so funny, but I know he was sick. I guess I laughed at his expense.

I watched the water and marvelled at the beauty. Lots of people were sleeping, but I was wide awake and thoroughly excited. When we got to the reef, I got my suit on and and went to the back of the boat to put on the rest of my stuff. I LOVE the ocean!!! I love just being in the water and seeing all the creatures. Plus, this is the Great Barrier Reef! One of the seven natural wonders of the world! I was elated. Both Alison and I had underwater cameras. We went out together and explored for a bit. Alison was really nervous. Snorkeling is not her favourite thing in the world. She stayed out for a while, but went back. So I was out on my own for a while. I loved swimming around. The water was really warm. The coral was beautiful and colourful. Very unique; especially the brain coral. There were a lot of colourful fish. Big and little. I saw a fish cleaning another fish. I saw a ray buried in the sand (I saw a circle and a hint of a tail). There were fish with strange noses. There were so many HUGE clam shells that (as you passed by) colours would fade. I was swimming for 1.5 hours. When I returned, I felt a bit light headed and REALLY had to use the bathroom. When I am out in the water, I feel like I have to use the bathroom all the time. Which isn't easy to do with wet togs. I know, too much info.

We headed out to the second reef. I liked this one even better. Where we got off the boat, it was really deep, but the coral came up even closer to the surface of the water. The first fish I saw was HUGE! Fish were everywhere. I saw a fish open his mouth and spew a lot of food. I was sad I didn't get a picture of that! A little later, I saw a fish poop. Again, no picture. So disappointing! As I was swimming, I felt weird. I couldn't figure out why, but I realised something was hitting me on the back. It was actually raining. it was kind of cool.I then decided to swim around the edges of the reef and discovered a unique forest of coral. I hadn't seen coral like that. They were more like dead trees with no leaves. It was funny that, as I was approaching the edge of the reef, I started getting nervous. I caught myself looking out and expecting a big shadow of a dangerous animal like in Nemo. After all, it is "The Dropoff!" I liked swimming around the edges of the reef almost more than the reef. I could see layers, small fish in the reef, fish hiding in the edges of the reef, and (at times) big fish in the depths.

As you can see, I had an absolute blast. I came back to the boat after about 1.5 hours and went to the bathroom for like the 7th time. Seriously, how many times can a person go! I went more on this trip than I think I had for the past week!

After the trip, it was time for dinner. So we went to a Subway. As we were eating, I saw someone running, and then he was gone. Then there was major shouting, and people all over the place stopped and looked in one direction. Alison said a guy ran and pushed a guy hard in the chest. It sounded like they were throwing chairs or something at each other.

We also heard alarms go off in buildings. Not just one....two. We won't be sad leaving Cairns. We went back to the hostel to pack. We have to leave at 4:30 am to catch a 6:30 flight.

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