Monday, February 8, 2010

The Buskers Festival, Cafes, and Failures

Thursday 1-28-10

So I got up when Alison left to hand out CVs. I did stuff around the room, not wanting to move a whole lot. I actually woke up thinking the word SORE! A little later, I went to an Internet café ($3 per hour) to look for schools around the area. I found 3 schools in the city. So I walked to 2 of them. They were college institutes, so I walked back to the café. It was a long walk. So I met Alison and we saw hot dogs. So we got one each. It was kind of like a corn dog, but tasted really strange. It was actually disgusting…but we ate every bit of it. We walked back to the hostel to drink water and separated until 4:30. I went back to do the Internet and only found one primary school, but it is a ways away, so I will have to go tomorrow.

There is a Buskers Festival going on around here. I have no idea the significance, but there were little booths set up and stands selling things around the Cathedral. It is kind of fun. There is a girl playing the violin on the street.

After failing miserably with the primary schools, I actually emailed a science museum to see if they had any job openings. I also emailed the Antarctic museum to see if they had openings. I am getting desperate for a job, and nothing seems to be happening for me.

Alison and I met at the hostel and talked about our day. Alison told me about some of the places she sent her CV to and that she had a favorite place. As she was talking, her favorite place actually called her and set up a training/interview for her. So she was really excited.

I am so happy for her, but I really have to admit that I am a little jealous. I feel like things are kind of coming together for her, and things are just not coming together for me at all.

Well, after a while, we went to Subway. Over the radio, we heard about the ACDC concert. No matter where we are or what we do, we keep hearing it in conversation, on t-shirts, over the radio…it just stirs up a whole lot of angry feelings…

Then we walked to the Botanical Gardens and strolled. It was really pretty. There are a lot of pathways and we could go running if we wanted to. We sat on a bench and looked through pamphlets. After a while, we heard faint music. We walked to see where it was coming from. We saw a section of a building where part of the festival was taking place. There were a lot of people there cheering.

We went back to the room, but it was still early, so Alison taught me how to play Rummy and we played phase 10, but two people were sleeping in the bedroom, so we looked for a place to go. There was a lounge across from our door, but someone was in there. So we went down the hall and thought of going in front of a door. Then we thought of playing in the stairwell. We just decided to go in the lounge in our Pajamas and play while the man watched Pirates of the Caribbean.

So I have three burn spot in my mouth from the scary hot dog. I was so hungry that I burned my mouth eating it while it was still hot…

I have also discovered multiple bruises on the back of my left knee from my suitcase endeavor.

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