Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Nothing to Report on Entry, but Yet, There Is...

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Well, it is counting down time now. It is exactly one week before we go to Australia. We have finally gotten all of our tours and papers together. I just got my foreign money, and Alison gets her tomorrow. It's so crazy!

Well, not much to report on in the past couple of days. Work is going fine. It is the school holidays, so we have been having themes. It was difficult to find things for the theme. For example, I don't have anything for Bible Character day, so I printed off animals and became the "stable". I had pyjamas, but changed so that I wouldn't be wearing my pyjamas all over town (which I have done before). Today was Wacky Wednesday, so I had all my clothes inside out, miss matched socks (which I have to admit, really bothered me) and different shoes.

So, I have been walking most of the time, but I decided to get the bus today to get to work a little earlier. Well, there apparently was road construction going on, so the buses never came. I had to walk almost an hour to get to a bus stop to catch a bus. By this time, I was already late for work. No more trusting buses!

One thing happened that was exciting. A really sweet couple from Church took Alison and I out to eat. We talked and walked around the area. It was such a pretty day, but it had a chilly breeze. They also sent us a going away card that we just received today. We really like them. They are just really thoughtful!

Actually, another really wonderful thing happened on Tuesday. Anne and Alister came home from the conference. It was a good reunion. We have really missed them! We swapped stories and had a good time, like always.

So there it is...

1 comment:

  1. How ever did you survive with mismatched socks? I can't imagine you being able to do much with that on your mind. You could have done mismatched shoes instead. I love you, mom
