Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Bird Attack


Happy St. Patrick's Day...well, for me anyway.

So here is the video I promised about the bird attacks. It took me a long time to figure out how to upload it. I also was not able to shorten it, so it is a little longer than should be. Plus, it doesn't show the real bloodbath of the bird fights, but it gives you an idea of how mean they are.

On another note, yesterday was a pretty good day. Not a whole lot to report on, but I did get to go to the Gardens and got attacked by a couple mosquitoes. I did some more reading and journaling.

I have been having a chat with two groups from New Zealand trying to figure out if I could get qualifications for Early Childhood Education. Well, they both seem disconnected from each other, even though they are supposed to be connected with teaching. All I can really say is that they are both basically saying there is nothing they can do. The first one I contacted told me to contact the other group. The other group told me they couldn't do anything about it and it was up to the educational facility. Well, I know for a fact the preschool contacted this group to find funding and they said it was not possible. Yet they are telling me it is totally up to the preschool. A little misinformation is there somewhere. Then I contacted them both again about another issue and they couldn't do anything again. I talked to Alison and she said it must be the way here. Just send the issue to someone else, so they don't have to deal with it. Sounds about right to me.

Alison and I actually met up with each other and then went back home. Since Alison missed the party last week, one of our roommates wanted to make something for her and me. She showed us how to make it. It is Korean food and really tasty. So now we have the recipe. We will see if we can actually make it sometime in the future.

I guess that is about it. Enjoy your day, and I hope you enjoyed the video.

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