Tuesday, December 7, 2010

10 November to 25 November

So, now I am finally done with the Australia, Samoa, Fiji trip. Now I have to update what I have been doing this past month. I will try to go quickly.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

I went to work. Yes, the day after our trip. It was not an easy day. I got lots of hugs from work and many kids were asking where I was and telling me I was gone a really long time. It made me feel special. Walking home, a guy on a bike was asking if I would be interested in going to Church. I said I go to Church. He asked if I was a Christian, and I said yes. He continued trying to talk to me, but I couldn't understand him well.

So both Anne and Alison are sick. They both were resting a lot. I went to Songsters and got to see a lot of people from Church. It was so nice to talk to them. The Songsters director asked if I would sing a solo for the Christmas Musical we are working on. I hadn't heard the song, but said I would listen to it and let her know. I am not used to singing solos. I usually just sing the harmony, so I hope it will be okay for me.

When Alister got home (after brass band), he said, "Ah, my three girls." It made Alison and I really happy. We are so happy to be home and back with our family.

Thursday 11 November 2010

I was dead tired. Work was slow. That's about it.

Friday 12 November 2010

Happy Canterbury Day! Each city has a day to celebrate. This is a nice holiday. A day to catch up on sleep. Anne and Alison were still really sick, so I walked into town and spent time in the Gardens and talked to Mom. The Gardens are in bloom. The roses are beautiful! I love this place! It has been too long!

Saturday 13 November 2010

I got up late again. Alison and I played constructionary. It was hilarious. We kind of made up our own rules. Later, I went to one of my co-worker's house for a party. A few girls showed up and we just ate and talked. One of the ladies brought...guacamole! It was wonderful!

Sunday 14 November 2010

It has been really hot, so I thought I could wear a skirt...NOPE! Cold day today. Figures. We got to talk to so many people. It was really nice. We really missed going to Church..Our Church. Anne and Alister said that people have been asking when we are going to come back. Some people thought we just went back to America. For Songsters, everyone moved into two rows instead of three. The thing was, I was left out. No one was moving for me to fit in, so I thought I was just going to have to be in my own row when the director finally motioned for them to move over. How nice. Anyway, as soon as the service ended, the guy behind us tapped Alison and started talking to her. Then he started talking to me, telling me I am a thinker and I need to wait on the Lord or listen on the Lord. He kept going on and on and asking me questions like randomly opening the Bible and words jumping out at me. He said he was Pentecostal. Oh, I know. I have had a lot of experiences with this. I talked to him a while and told him what I believe, and he eventually left.

After talking to several more people, Alison and I left to get something to eat. Alister had to stay for a concert. Anne was at home, sick. She was feeling better later that night. Their youngest son came, so we got to meet him. He is going to a wedding, and dropped by here for a couple days.

Monday 15 November 2010

Work was good. I got to see a few more children I haven't seen yet since the trip. I love these kids!

Tuesday 16 November 2010

It was REALLY hard to get up today. One kid really spazzed out and was trying to beat me up. I had to hold this kid down to keep from hurting me or himself. It was not easy.

Alison helped Anne decorate the Church. The Hall has been decorated for Christmastime. Alison is completely unmotivated to work, but has said that she will work a couple days a week for them.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

I woke up and felt miserable. I steadily declined throughout the day. I stayed at work, and even got a major compliment from my boss who saw me working with a couple girls.

I went to songsters and sang, but continued to feel sick. I even stayed late to help decorate the Hall. It looks really good. I decorated two trees. I went to bed feeling achy.

Thursday 18 November 2010

I felt better, but not the best. Sorry, not much to say.

Friday 19 November 2010

Yesterday, one of my bosses made bread with the kids. Today, one of my co-workers was serving it to them and told me to try it. I got really nervous and licked it. It was SUPER salty. Yup. She mixed up the sugar with the salt. So it isn't just just me! I had to laugh. Several of my co-workers tried it. One did it unsuspectingly, and she ran to get a drink of water. It was so funny! I was so glad it was Friday. I went to bed really early.

Saturday 20 November 2010

It has now been 10 months that I have been in New Zealand! Today wasn't a good day. Well, it wasn't terrible, but I started feeling sick again. I slept a lot and lazed around.

Sunday 21 November 2010

It was another cold Sunday. I was feeling much better. Not 100%, but not too bad. One of the ladies at the Church called us her granddaughters. We talked to several people. Many people started asking us about leaving. Each time we talked to someone, we started feeling sadder and sadder. We realise how short of a time we have left.

Monday 22 November 2010

Today was a pretty typical work day. Once, I pretended to have a car drive on a kid's shoulders or something. He was smiling, then said, "No Mandy. I don't like it. Look at my face. I am not happy." I almost burst into laughter. Wow, this kid must really listen to me. He did all the steps that I do when someone hurts another child. Tell the kid what is wrong. Look at the face...It was a great moment.

After work, we had a meeting. After the meeting, I went to Church. There was a ladies night, so Alison and I helped Anne do what we could to set up. Then we had a devotion and I made a card and ornaments. Then I looked at the Christmas room and talked to several people. It was a nice night.

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Not much excitement here.

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Work was fine. In Songsters, I decided to sing the solo. It was funny, because as I was singing it, the Songster's director said, "Wow, you can hear the Canadian accent can't you?" I told Alister and he said maybe the mixing of the American and the New Zealand accent comes out Canadian.

Thursday 25 November 2010

Happy Thanksgiving! "Thanksgiving is a day to celebrate food by eating as much of it as possible." I love Garfield. My boss threw her arms around me asking if you give hugs for
Thanksgiving. I got several "Happy Thanksgivings." It was sweet. After work, we had a Christmas party, but it was also a party to honour me for Thanksgiving. It was a nice day to hang out with the people I work with and their spouses.

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