Tuesday, June 8, 2010

It Figures!

Wed. 9-6-10

I know I have said this before, but it is COLD! I can always see my breath morning, noon, and night, inside or outside, cloudy or sunny. It doesn't help that we have cracks in the room that lead to the outside. We can see the curtains move when it gets really windy outside. Yesterday, it hailed all day. We really want to use our portable heater, but we are afraid the electricity will go off. So we are in freezing weather (literally) without any heat. Imagine that. Two California girls (who can put up with a lot, but my goodness!) who are living in the freezing winter without any heat. We don't even have blankets. We have a sheet and a comforter (that couldn't warm anything). Lately, we have been sleeping with the sheet over our faces! We will be so grateful to move! Just a few more days!!!

We found out that the new flatmate that came, doesn't live here anymore. It is a very strange situation that makes absolutely no sense to us. Apparently, she moved in the room (after living a couple days with one of our flatmates), but had no money to pay for it. Actually, we were told that she had no money at all. Including to pay for food. So she was supposedly starving herself for over a week...and not paying rent...We don't understand how the landlady would approve of that. Well, a couple days ago, the door to that room was open, everything was gone, and the keys were left. Very, very strange.

Also, apparently we have a new property manager in whose account we are supposed to deposit our rent money. We only had one week left to pay before moving, so we weren't sure what to do. So we actually deposited it into the landlady's account and will let her deal with it. We have all of our stubs, so we should be okay.

As I have said before, we are running out of food. Well, we decided to make lemon squares, but we didn't have enough ingredients (including some flour). We mixed more powdered sugar into it, knowing full and well it would be strange and liquidy. Well, it definitely was that. We figured if it doesn't look good, maybe it will taste good. So then we went to the second half of our baking. We didn't have enough sugar, so we used the sugar in a container on the counter . So we finished making it. Later, when we tasted it, we realised the sugar on the counter was not sugar at all, but salt. Imagine our surprise and the immediate disposal of the remaining lemon squares. If that was not bad enough, I burned the rice. The whole bottom layer was stuck to the bottom of the pan, and we were not able to scrape it off completely. It was a really sad night for food.

I got a text from the preschool director asking if I could work a couple extra hours. I said yes. The preschool owner rang me in the morning to ask the same thing. I rode the bus, but was still sopping wet from waiting at the bus stop. Also, walking to the bus stop was difficult, because it was starting to hail, and the ice was hurting my face. It hailed throughout the entire day. Fortunately, the preschool owner gave me a ride home.

I got some disturbing, but not that surprising news. I found out that as of November, being a primary registered teacher, I will be qualified to be a preschool registered teacher. Meaning, I would be able to be a regular preschool teacher instead of a relieving teacher in November, which is of course when I will be leaving New Zealand. Isn't this timing amazing? If I had come to New Zealand next year, everything would have been perfect. Well, that is not my luck.


  1. It's so strange to hear about the cold weather and rain when it is so sunny and hot over here. Oh, I didn't mean to rub it in...hee hee. Miss you tons! --SPB

  2. I'm eating lunch at my desk and reading your blog. When I got to the part about the sugar/salt mix up, I began cracking up out loud. Ok, I know it was disappointing at the time, but it was funny to read. I could just picture the reactions. Love you, mom
